Mounting TrueCrypt Volumes
If you have not done so yet, please read the sections ‘Mount’ and ‘Auto-Mount Devices’ in the chapter Main Program Window.
Cache Password in Driver Memory
This option can be set in the password entry dialog so that it will apply only to that particular mount attempt. It can also be set as default in the Preferences. For more information, please see the section Settings -> Preferences, subsection Cache passwords in driver memory.
Mount Options
Mount options affect the parameters of the volume being mounted. The Mount Options dialog can be opened by clicking on the Mount Options button in the password entry dialog. When a correct password is cached, volumes are automatically mounted after you click Mount. If you need to change mount options for a volume being mounted using a cached password, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking Mount or a favorite volume in the Favorites menu, or select Mount with Options from the Volumes menu.
Default mount options can be configured in the main program preferences (Settings -> Preferences).
Mount volume as read-only
When checked, it will not be possible to write any data to the mounted volume.
Mount volume as removable medium
See section Volume Mounted as Removable Medium.
Use backup header embedded in volume if available
All volumes created by TrueCrypt 6.0 or later contain an embedded backup header (located at the end of the volume). If you check this option, TrueCrypt will attempt to mount the volume using the embedded backup header. Note that if the volume header is damaged, you do not have to use this option. Instead, you can repair the header by selecting Tools > Restore Volume Header.
Mount partition using system encryption without pre-boot authentication
Check this option, if you need to mount a partition that is within the key scope of system encryption without pre-boot authentication. For example, if you need to mount a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system that is not running. This can be useful e.g. when you need to back up or repair an operating system encrypted by TrueCrypt (from within another operating system). Note that this option can be enabled also when using the ‘Auto-Mount Devices’ or ‘Auto-Mount All Device-Hosted Volumes’ functions.
Hidden Volume Protection
Please see the section Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage.